buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Spell-It - Modern Speak & Spell style.css header div class retro-container h1 Spell-It p Master spelling with audio guidance main div class game-container div class display-screen div class status-bar span Score: span id score 0/0 (0%) div class word-display input type text id wordInput placeholder Type the word here... autocomplete off div class message p id feedback Ready to start! div class controls button id playBtn class retro-btn 🔊 Play Word button id enterBtn class retro-btn ✓ Enter button id hintBtn class retro-btn 💡 Hint div class keyboard div class keyboard-row button Q button W button E button R button T button Y button U button I button O button P div class keyboard-row button A button S button D button F button G button H button J button K button L div class keyboard-row button Z button X button C button V button B button N button M footer p Made with 💖 for spelling enthusiasts script.js